Hand made from genuine ex-army ammunition boxes in Sheffield, UK
A row of ammo box speakers


Increasing the gain on the ammo box speaker

Built into the ammo box speaker amplifier is a variable "gain" (loudness) setting that can be altered as appropriate. For example, with maximum gain you may find even the quietest setting is a little loud to have as a bedside radio to go to sleep to so may want to turn it down a bit.

To modify the gain setting you will need a Philips screwdriver and a small slotted screwdriver with a fairly long handle.

Firstly remove the lid and internal wooden cover as described in our earlier post "Hacking the ammo box speaker". When you have done this you will be able to see inside the speaker. With the speakers facing you, inside the speaker are three major components - the battery in the centre, our custom PCB to the left and on the right the amplifier. You can identify the amplifier as it is (usually) red and has four black circular elements on it:

The Amplifier inside the ammo box

When you have found the amplifier look closely for two small "DIP switches" - they are very small (about 1.5mm square) and white on a black background:

TDA4792 DIP switches

The switches can be flipped using the small slotted screwdriver (or possibly a small finger nail!). With both switches in the "ON" position this is the maximum gain, with them both in the "OFF" this is the minimum gain. With one ON and one OFF you can set a value in the middle as per the diagram above.

LED sound bars

Just a quick post to show the LED sound bars in action - they're quite bright and are just great fun. Ideal for your next party so you can see as well as hear the music!


Hacking the ammo box speaker

All our speakers are designed to be able to be taken apart and modified or improved by their owners with minimal tools and skills. Just a couple of screwdrivers and a small spanner will enable you to take your speaker apart in a matter of minutes and change it as you see fit. To take it apart just follow these simple steps :

Open and lift off the metal lid and remove it from the main ammo box:

Place your box on a level surface
Open the lid
And slide it backwards to take it off the hinge
And place it to one side

Undo the four small black Philips screws from the top of the ammo box:

HACK - 5HACK - 6HACK - 7HACK - 8

and lift out the wooden section with your finger:
HACK - 9

You are now inside the ammo box speaker!
HACK - 10

Here you can remove the speakers by undoing the two sets of four screw nuts and bolts that hold on the speaker guards and then the other two sets of four nuts that hold the speakers in. A 7mm spanner or some long-nose pliers maybe helpful to hold the nuts inside the speaker while you undo the screw using a Philips screwdriver. Note that some speakers have a bolt that requires a small allen-key to undo them. Also, the speakers in some boxes are mounted internally, and some are mounted externally so carefully either lift them out the ammo box or lower them down onto your work surface. You can then unscrew the wires from the amplifier using a small slotted screwdriver. Unscrew the terminal block all the way to make re-assembly easier later.

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